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POLYPROC™ Table of Contents
List of POLYPROC™ policies, procedures and forms.
- General Policies and Procedures
- Sarbanes-Oxley Index of Compliance Tools
- Disaster Recovery Planning Tools and Examples
- US Dep't of Labor - Wage and Hour Laws Compliance Toolkit
filename | number | |
Chart of Accounts | chart_up | GL-1000 |
Chart of Accounts Maintenance | chart_up | GL-1100 |
Chart of Accounts Updates | chart_up | GL-1110 |
Chart of Accounts Design Theory | chart_up | GL-1120 |
Bank Account Master File | bankmstr | GL-2000 |
Bank Account Master File Maintenance | bankmstr | GL-2100 |
Assigning Bank Master Numbers | bankmstr | GL-2110 |
Cash Position | cashposi | GL-3000 |
Cash Position Report Preparation | cashposi | GL-3100 |
Cash-in-Bank Reconciliation | bankrec | GL-4000 |
Cash-in-Bank Reconciliation Procedure | bankrec | GL-4100 |
Prepare Bank Statements for Reconciliation | bankrec | GL-4110 |
Bank Reconciliation and General Ledger Proof | bankrec | GL-4120 |
Bank Reconciliation Form | rec_prof .xls | GL-4121 |
Journal Entries | jrnentry | GL-5000 |
Journal Entry Procedure | jrnentry | GL-5100 |
Journal Entry Form | jeform.xls | GL-5101 |
Petty Cash | pettycsh | GL-6000 |
Petty Cash Releases | pettycsh | GL-6101 |
Petty Cash Reconciliation Form | pettyrec.xls | GL-6101 |
Financial Accounting Process Flow Diagram | financial accounting process flow.xls | Appendix C |
Record Retention Checklist | record retention checklist.xls | Appendix C |
Record Retention Policy | record retention policy | Appendix C |
Record Retention Timetable | record retention timetable.xls | Appendix C |
filename | number | |
Commission Statement Form | commission statement | |
Extending Credit | credit | CT-1000 |
Processing Credit Applications - Department | credit | CT-1100 |
Processing Credit Applications - Desk | credit | CT-1110 |
Chart of Reports and Letters | credit | CT-1110 |
Credit Policy Statement | ctpolicy | CT-1110 |
Credit Application Form | ct_app | CT-1111 |
Credit Application Form/Agreement | credit app | |
Financial Analysis of Customer Financial Data | analysis .xls | CT-1112 |
Credit Recommendation Report | ctrecrpt | CT-1113 |
Commitment Letter | ctcommit | CT-1114 |
Denial/Alternative Payment Plan Letter | ct_deny | CT-1115 |
filename | number | |
Collection of Outstanding Accounts | collect .doc | CT-2000 |
Handling Collection Issues | collect.doc | CT-2100 |
Customer Contact Log | contact.doc | ct-2101 |
Dunning Notice Letter | dunning.doc | ct-2102 |
Follow-up Letter of Commitments | commit.doc | ct-2103 |
Warning of Pending Credit Hold | cthold.doc | ct-2104 |
Warning of Cancellation of Credit Terms | ctcancel.doc | ct-2105 |
Notice-Start of Formal Collection Process | leglcoll.doc | ct-2106 |
filename | number | |
AR Flowchart (black and white) | ar flow bw.xls | Appendix C |
AR Flowchart (colored) | ar flow.xls | Appendix C |
Customer Master File | custmstr | AR-1000 |
Customer Master File Maintenance | custmstr | AR-1100 |
Customer Number Assignment | custmstr | AR-1110 |
Customer Invoicing and Reports | stmtproc | AR-2000 |
Customer Invoicing - Departmental | stmtproc | AR-2100 |
Manual Billings | stmtproc | AR-2110 |
Invoicing - Desk Procedure | stmtproc | AR-2150 |
Cash Receipts | cshrcpts | AR-3000 |
Cash Receipts Processing | cshrcpts | AR-3100 |
Customer Set-up | customer set-up | |
Customer Receipts Processing | custrcpt | AR-3110 |
Cash Receipts Entry Form | cshrecfm | AR-3120 |
Cash Receipts Log | cshlog | AR-3130 |
Prepare Bank Deposit | bankdpst | AR-3140 |
Reconcile Bank Deposits | bankdpst | AR-3150 |
Bank Deposit Variance | bankdpst | AR-3160 |
Cash Receipts Reports | crrptflg | AR-3170 |
Clear Cash Receipts Suspension | crcorrec | AR-3190 |
Regional Cash Receipts | rmtrcpts | AR-3200 |
Regional Cash Receipts Process | rmtcshpr | AR-3210 |
Regional Cash Receipts Entry | rmtentry | AR-3220 |
Miscellaneous Cash Receipts | miscrcpt | AR-3400 |
Cash Receipts Exception Handling Form | crsusp.xls | |
Partner Statement Processing | ptnrstmt | AR-4100 |
Wire Transfer Receipts | wirercpt | AR-5000 |
Wire Transfer Receipt Processing | wirercpt | AR-5100 |
Wire Transfer Deposit Form Use | wirinfrm | AR-5110 |
filename | number | |
System of Authorities | purchase authorizations | PO-900 |
Procurement | pos | PO-1000 |
Purchase Authorization | purchase authorizations | PO-900 |
Purchase Requisitions of Products or Services | pos | PO-1100 |
Purchase Requisition | purchreq | PO-1101 |
Bidding Policy | bidding_policy | |
Purchase Order Processing | pos | PO-1110 |
Purchase Order | purchord | PO-1111 |
Purchase Order Tracking | pos | PO-1120 |
Purchase Order Contract | pur_cntrt | --- |
filename | number | |
Accounts Payable Flow Diagram | ap flow bw.xls | |
Accounts Payable Processing | invproc | AP-1000 |
Payment Request Processing | invproc | AP-1100 |
Payment Request Review | invproc | AP-1110 |
Payment Request Batching | invproc | AP-1120 |
Vendor Master File | vendmstr | AP-2000 |
Vendor Master File Maintenance | vendmstr | AP-2100 |
Vendor Master Update Requests | vmmform | AP-2110 |
Vendor Number Assignment | vendnum | AP-2120 |
Vendor Insurance | vendins | AP-2200 |
Initiate Vendor Insurance Summary Form | vndrcert | AP-2210 |
Process Vendor Insurance Certificate | vndrcert | AP-2220 |
Vendor Insurance Invoice Review | vndrins | AP-2230 |
Cash Disbursements | manlchek | AP-3000 |
Automated Check Processing | autocks | AP-3100 |
Voucher Adjustments | autocks | AP-3110 |
Automated Check Printing | autocks | AP-3120 |
Manual Check Disbursements | wrtmnlck | AP-3200 |
Producing Manual Checks | wrtmnlck | AP-3210 |
Batch Manual Checks | bchmnlck | AP-3220 |
Check Signing Requirements | cksig | AP-3400 |
Prepare Checks for Signature | autocks | AP-3500 |
Vendor Invoice Filing | invfile | AP-4100 |
filename | number | |
Fixed Asset Accountability | faovrvw | FA-1000 |
Fixed Asset Procurement | faprocur | FA-2000 |
Fixed Asset Marking and Inventory | fainvmrk | FA-3000 |
Fixed Asset Reporting | farprtng | FA-4000 |
Inventory Control | inventory control | IN-1100 |
Depreciation Using Match LOOKUP | depreciation using match lookup | |
Depreciation Pub 946 – How to Depreciate Property | depreciationpub946.pdf |
filename | number | |
Labor Laws – ESA and Wage & Hour Toolkit | wage & hour | |
Employee Determination | payroll | PR-1100 |
Employee Payroll Processing | payroll | PR-1200 |
Processing Salaried Payroll | payroll | PR-1210 |
Processing Hourly Payroll | payroll | PR-1220 |
Employee Compensable Waiting Time | payroll | PR-1300 |
Employee Overtime Determination: | ||
Employee Non-exempt Worker | payroll | PR-1400 |
Employee Exempt Worker | payroll | PR-1500 |
FLSA White-Collar Exemption Test (5 Charts) | exempt.xls | PR-1501 |
FLSA Exemption Rules Tested-Case Law | flsa exemption rules tested-case law | FLSA Folder |
Paycheck Distribution | payroll | PR-1600 |
Paycheck Compensable Travel Time | payroll | PR-1700 |
Garnishments and Child Support Orders | payroll | PR-2000 |
Garnishments Form | garn_ws .xls | PR-2001 |
Tables for Figuring Amount Exempt from Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other Income | pub1494 exempt wage levy.pdf | --- |
Federal Garnishment Facts | fedgarnish | --- |
Hawaii Federal Garnishment Case File | hawaiigarn | --- |
Family & Medical Leave: | ||
Approval of Leave Time | payroll | PR-2100 |
Unpaid Leave Deductions | payroll | PR-2200 |
Code of Ethics | code_eth | --- |
E-mail Policies | e-mail policies | --- |
E-mail Policy Template and Checklist of Concerns | e-mail policy template and checklist of concerns | --- |
E-mail Outage Charts | e-mail outage charts.xls | --- |
E-Mail Archive RFP Toolkit | e-mail-archive-rfp-toolkit | --- |
Essential Archive Requirements for e-Discovery | essential archive requirements for e-discovery | --- |
Ten Deadly Sins of a Corporate Retention Program | ten deadly sins of a corporate retention program | --- |
E-Mail Management Crisis (The) | the e-mail management crisis | --- |
filename | number | |
Taxing the Transaction | slsustax | SU-1000 |
Determining Tax on Sales - Sales | slsustax | SU-1100 |
Determining Tax on Sales - Accts Receivable | slsustax | SU-1200 |
Determining Tax on Purchases - Requisitioning | slsustax | SU-1300 |
Determining Tax on Purchases - Purchasing | slsustax | SU-1400 |
Determining Tax on Purchases - Accts Payable | slsustax | SU-1500 |
Sales Tax Analysis Matrix | salestax.xls | SU-1401 |
Drop Shipments | dropship.xls | SU-1402 |
Sales Tax Returns | sales tax returns | --- |
SSUTA Certificate of Exemption | ssuta certificate of exemption.pdf | --- |
Uniform Sales and Use Certificate | uniform sales and use certificate.pdf | --- |
filename | number | |
Travel | travpol | EE-5000 |
Booking Your Trip | travpol | EE-5100 |
International Travel | travpol | EE-5200 |
Domestic Travel | travpol | EE-5300 |
Rental Car | travpol | EE-5310 |
Other Transportation | travpol | EE-5320 |
Lodging | travpol | EE-5330 |
Meals and Entertainment | travpol | EE-5340 |
Telephone Usage | travpol | EE-5350 |
Travel Insurance | travpol | EE-5360 |
Expense Reporting | travpol | EE-5400 |
Payment Methods | travpol | EE-5410 |
Non-reimbursable Expenses | travpol | EE-5420 |
Expense Report Form Instructions | travpol | EE-5430 |
Personal/Vacation Time | travpol | EE-5500 |
Guest Travel Authorization | travpol | EE-5510 |
General Travel Safety Tips | travpol | EE-5600 |
Travel Time – Is It Compensable? | travel.doc | PR-1700 |
Travel Time - Is It Compensable? | travel.xls | PR-1700 |
Travel Advances | payroll | PR-1800 |
Expense Report Form | t&e.xls | PR-1801 |
Tips for Travel Under Increased Security Initiatives | trav_sec | --- |
Tips for Travel Fly Rights | trav_fly | --- |
filename | number | |
Glossary of Terms | glossary .doc | Appendix A |
Exhibit Cross-reference | appendb .doc | Appendix B |
Accepted Payment Requests | invproc | AP-1111 |
Annual Certification of Employee Inventory Form | farprtng | FA-4105 |
Attach Machine Tapes Here | bankrec | GL-4124 |
Bad Debt Write Off Analysis | bdwrtoff.xls | --- |
Bad Debt Write Off Letter | bad_debt | CT-2107 |
Bank Account Master Input Form | bankmstr | GL-2101 |
Bank Master Listing | cashposi | GL-3102 |
Bank Reconciliation Control Schedule | bankrec | GL-4111 |
Bank Reconciliation Form | bankrec | GL-4121 |
Cash Receipts Batches | cshrcpts | AR-3102 |
Cash Receipts Entry Form | cshrecfm | --- |
Cash Receipts Exception Handling Form | crsusp.xls | --- |
Cash Receipts Log | cshlog | AR-3131 |
Cash Receipts Processing Time Table | cshrcpts | AR-3101 |
Chart of Accounts Change Form | chart_up | GL-1101 |
Chart of Accounts Manual - Control Log | chart_up | GL-1112 |
Chart of Tax Reports and Tax and Withholding Disbursements | payroll | PR-1201 |
Check Usage Control Log | autocks | AP-3121 |
Coding Stamp | invproc | AP-1112 |
Commission Statement Form | commission statement | --- |
Commitment Letter | ctcommit | CT-1114 |
Credit Application Form | ct_app.xls | CT-1111 |
Credit Application Form/Agreement | credit app | --- |
Credit Policy Statement | ctpolicy | --- |
Credit Recommendation Report | ctrecrpt | CT-1113 |
Customer Contact Log | contact | CT-2101 |
Customer Set-Up Form | customer set-up | --- |
Denial/Alternative Payment Plan Letter | ct_deny | CT-1115 |
Distribution of A/R Aged Summary Listing | stmtproc | AR-2152 |
Distribution of Tenant History Printouts etc. | stmtproc | AR-2151 |
Drop Shipments | dropship | --- |
Dunning Notice | dunning | CT-2102 |
Early Pay Discounts | earlypay.xls | --- |
Employee Certification Form | farprtng | FA-4106 |
Expense Report Form | t&e.xls | PR-1801 |
Financial Analysis of Financial Data | fs_analysis.xls | CT-1112 |
Follow-up Letter of Commitments | commit | CT-2103 |
Garnishment Form | garn_ws.xls | PR-2001 |
Insurance Premium Recovery Authorization Form | payroll | PR-2201 |
Inventory Requisition | inventory control | IC-1101 |
Journal Entry Form | jeform.xls | --- |
Key Contacts and Phone Numbers | travpol | EE-5302 |
Lease vs Purchase Analysis Tool | lease purchase.xls | --- |
Manual Journal Entry Form | jnlentry | GL-5101 |
Master Layout for Policies & Procedures | procmstr | --- |
Notice of Start of Formal Collection Process | leglcoll | CT-2106 |
Outline of Insurance File Contents | vndrcert | AP-2222 |
Outstanding Checks Listing Form | bankrec | GL-4122 |
Pay Envelop Stuffer | payroll | PR-1202 |
Petty Cash Reconciliation Form | pettyrec.xls | GL-6101 |
Procedures Manual - Control Log | chart_up | GL-1113 |
Policies & Procedures Project Time & Cost Budget | budget.xls | --- |
Purchase Order | pos | PO-1111 |
Purchase Requisition | pos | PO-1101 |
Quarterly Fixed Asset Reconciliation | farprtng | FA-4103 |
Quarterly Report of Fixed Assets | farprtng | FA-4104 |
Reconciliation of Cash Position to Bank Master | cashposi | GL-3103 |
Remitter’s Slip | custrcpt | AR-3113 |
Report of Cash Position | cashposi | GL-3101 |
Request for an Over-Weekend Stay Reimbursement | travpol | EE-5301 |
Request for Deletion From Inventory Form | farprtng | FA-4102 |
Request for Family & Medical Leave Form | payroll | PR-2101 |
Request for Property Transaction Form | farprtng | FA-4101 |
Sales Tax Analysis Matrix | salestax.xls | SU-1401 |
Standard A/P Pay Cycles | invproc | AP-1113 |
Policies & Procedures Steering Team Response Control | control | --- |
Supplemental Pay Gross-Up Calculation | gross_up.xls | --- |
System of Authorities | purchase authorizations | --- |
Template for Policies & Procedures Input | template | --- |
Transmittal Methods by Region | rmtcshpr | AR-3211 |
Travel Booking Request Form | travpol | EE-5102 |
Travel Expense Report Form | t&e.xls | PR-1801 |
Traveler Profile | travpol | EE-5101 |
Uniform Sales and Use Certificate | uniform sales and use certificate | --- |
Update Instructions Page | chart_up | GL-1111 |
Vendor Insurance Invoice Register | vndrins | AP-2231 |
Vendor Insurance Summary | vndrins | AP-2211 |
Vendor Master Maintenance Form | vmmform | AP-2111 |
Voucher Adjustment Form | vouchadj | AP-1101 |
W-8BEN Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding | w-8_fw8ben.pdf | --- |
W-8ECI Certificate of Foreign Person’s Claim That Income is Effectively Connected With the Conduct of a Trade or Business in the United States | w-8_fw8eci.pdf | --- |
W-8EXP Certificate of Foreign Government or Other Foreign Organization for United States Tax Withholding | w-8_fw8exp.pdf | --- |
W-8IMY Certificate of Foreign Intermediary, Foreign Flow-Through Entity, or Certain U.S. Branches for United States Tax Withholding | w-8_fw8imy.pdf | --- |
W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification | w-9_2007.pdf | --- |
W-9(SP) Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Spanish) | w-9_sp.pdf | --- |
Warning of Cancellation of Credit Terms | ctcancel | CT-2105 |
Warning of Pending Credit Hold | cthold | CT-2104 |
Wire Transfer Deposit Form | wirein | AR-5111 |
Process Flow DIAGRAMS | Appendix C | |
Accounts Payable Flowchart (B/W) | ap flow bw.xls | |
Accounts Receivable Flowchart (B/W) | ar flow bw.xls | |
Accounts Receivable Flowchart (Colored) | ar flow.xls | |
Extending Credit Flow Diagram | ct_app_c | |
Financial Accounting Process Flowchart | financial accounting process flow.xls | |
Record Retention Checklist | record retention checklist.xls | |
Record Retention Timetable | record retention timetable.xls | |
Taxability of Transactions | taxability of transactions | |
Drop Shipments (Sales & Use Tax) | dropship.xls | |
Procedures for Project Administration: | ||
Quick Start Installation File | quickstart | --- |
Register | register | --- |
Readme File | readme | --- |
Executive Summary - Project Structure, Layout and Oversight Plan | summary | --- |
Policies & Procedures Project Outline | policy & procedures project outline | --- |
Steering Team Response Control | control | --- |
Introduction Letters To/From Top Management | top_mgt | --- |
Announcement Letter To Staff | announce | --- |
Project Time & Cost Budget | budget.xls | --- |
Style Template Layout for Policies & Procedures | template | --- |
Master Layout for Policies & Procedures | procmstr | --- |
Industries with Specialized Accounting Requirements | specacct | --- |
Recommended Reading List | rec_read | --- |
Useful Letters: | ||
Bad Debt Letter (Using Form 1099-C) | bad_debt | --- |
Commitment Letter to Company | comitmnt | --- |
Request for Form W-9/W-8 | w_9_ltr | --- |
Sales & Use Tax Liability Letter | sut_ven | --- |
Sales Tax Exempt Letter | sutexemt | --- |
Useful Spreadsheets: | ||
Bad Debt Write Off Analysis | bdwrtoff.xls | --- |
Bank Reconciliation Form | rec_prof.xls | GL-4121 |
Early Pay Discounts | earlypay.xls | --- |
Expense Report Form | t&e.xls | PR-1801 |
Financial Analysis of Financial Data | fs_analysis.xls | --- |
FLSA White-Collar Exemption Test (5 Charts) | exempt.xls | --- |
Garnishment Calculations Worksheet | garn_ws.xls | PR-2001 |
Tables for Figuring Amount Exempt from Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other Income | pub1494 exempt wage levy.pdf | --- |
Lease Vs Purchase Analysis Tool | lease purchase.xls | --- |
Significant Accounts & Relevant Assertions (Sarbanes-Oxley Act/COSO Framework) | significant accounts and relevant assertions.xls | |
Supplemental Pay Gross-up Calculations | gross_up.xls | --- |
Useful Forms: | ||
Bank Reconciliation Form | rec_prof.xls | --- |
Journal Entry Form | jeform.xls | --- |
Petty Cash Reconciliation Form | pettyrec.xls | --- |
Credit Application Form | ct_app | --- |
Credit Application Form/Agreement | credit app | --- |
Cash Receipts Entry Form | cshrecfm | --- |
Cash Receipts Log | cshlog | --- |
Cash Receipts Exception Handling Form | crsusp.xls | --- |
Purchase Requisition | purchreq | --- |
Purchase Order | purchord | --- |
Initiate Vendor Insurance | vndrcert | --- |
Check Request | manlchek | --- |
SSUTA Certificate of Exemption | ssuta certificate of exemption.pdf | --- |
Uniform Sales and Use Certificate | uniform sales and use certificate.pdf | --- |
W-8BEN Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding | w-8_fw8ben.pdf | --- |
W-8ECI Certificate of Foreign Person’s Claim That Income is Effectively Connected With the Conduct of a Trade or Business in the United States | w-8_fw8eci.pdf | --- |
W-8EXP Certificate of Foreign Government or Other Foreign Organization for United States Tax Withholding | w-8_fw8exp.pdf | --- |
W-8IMY Certificate of Foreign Intermediary, Foreign Flow-Through Entity, or Certain U.S. Branches for United States Tax Withholding | w-8_fw8imy.pdf | --- |
W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification | w-9_2007.pdf | --- |
W-9(SP) Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Spanish) | w-9_sp.pdf | --- |
Other Tools | ||
Website Links | website links | --- |
Polyproc Product List with Order Form | polyproc order.xls | --- |
Guide to Paperless Automation of Cash Cycle | guide to paperless automation | --- |
2003 vs 2007 – Translator table between function keys of Excel 03 vs Excel 07 | 2003 vs 2007.xls | --- |
Sarbanes-Oxley Index of Compliance Tools
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: |
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and resource reference list |
Final Rules Issued by the SEC: |
Final Rules SEC Web Index |
Strengthening Auditor Independence Requirements |
Standards on Audit Committees |
Certification of Disclosure in Companies’ Quarterly and Annual Reports |
Improper Influence on Conduct of Audits |
Implementation of Standards of Professional Conduct for Attorneys |
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements Disclosure Requirements |
Conditions for Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures |
Filing Guidance Related To: Conditions for Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures; and Insider Trades During Pension Fund Blackout Periods |
Mandated Electronic Filing and Website Posting for Forms 3, 4 and 5 |
Ownership Reports and Trading by Officers, Directors and Principal Security Holders |
SOX Sec. 404a Management’s Reports on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and Certification of Disclosure in Exchange Act Periodic Reports |
Disclosure Required by Sections 406 & 407 of SOX |
Additional Form 8-K Disclosure Requirements and Acceleration of Filing Date |
Regulation Analyst Certification |
Retention of Records Relevant to Audits and Reviews |
Rule 404a Compliance Deadline Extension to July 15, 2007 for Non-Accelerated Filers |
Voluntary Reporting Using XBRL |
FAQs from the SEC |
Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and Certification of Disclosure in Exchange Act Periodic Reports |
FAQs Regarding the Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures |
FAQs Division of Corporation Finance Current Report on Form 8-K |
Application of the Commission’s Rules on Auditor Independence |
FAQs Div of Corp Finance #s 1-28 11-8-02 |
FAQs Div of Corp Finance Staff Views on Certain Issues Raised in the Implementation of Section 404 #s A-J 5-16-05 |
Final Standards/Rules Issued by the PCAOB: |
Auditing Standard No 1 |
Auditing Standard No 2 SOX Sec. 404b Compliance – Audits of Internal Controls |
Auditing Standard No 3 SOX Sec. 404b Compliance – Audit Documentation |
Auditing Standard No 4 Previous Weakness Continues |
Auditing Standard AS4 Summary |
Auditing Standard No 5 Integration of IC Audit with FS Audit |
Auditing Standard AU5 Guidance for Small Companies |
Auditing Standard No 6 Evaluating Consistency of FS |
Auditing Standard No 7 Engagement Quality Reviews |
Final Rule – Ethics and Independence Rules: Independence Tax Services Contingent Fees 2005-07-26_Release_2004-014 |
FAQs from the PCAOB |
Attest Engagements Regarding XBRL Financial Information Furnished Under the XBRL Voluntary Financial Reporting Program on the Edgar System, May 25, 2005 |
Auditing Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, June 23, 2004, Revised July 27, 2004 (Questions 1 - 26) |
Auditing Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, October 6, 2004 (Questions 27 - 29) |
Auditing Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, November 22, 2004 (Questions 30 - 36) |
Auditing Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, January 21, 2005 (Question 37) |
Auditing Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, May 16, 2005 (Questions 38 – 55) |
Audits of Financial Statements of Non-Issuers Performed Pursuant to the Standards of the PCAOB, June 30, 2004 |
Trickle Down – NonProfits: |
Panel on the Non-Profit Sector |
Final Report of the Panel – Strengthening Transparency Governance Accountability of Charitable Organizations |
Impact of SOX on Private & Nonprofit Companies |
Guidance for Smaller Public Companies Reporting on Internal Control over Financial Reporting (Draft) |
Helpful Checklists: |
Up-the-ladder Attorney Reporting Checklist |
Audit Committees |
Audit Committee Agendas |
Audit Committee Charter |
Design Decisions Checklist of Audit Committee Complaint System |
Non-audit Service Approval Checklist |
AICPA/SOX Toolkits- |
For Profit Issuers |
Governments |
Non Profits |
Auditor Independence Requirements – NYSE Vs NASDAQ |
Auditors’ Cooling Off Period Checklist |
Checklist for Internal Audit Function |
Checklist for Sr. Management Assessment |
Financial Expert – |
Financial Literacy Requirements – NYSE/NASDAQ |
Required Knowledge Attributes and Experience-SEC |
Framework for Evaluating Control Exceptions & Definitions |
Internal Control Deficiency Flowchart |
Sec. 302 Certification Checklist |
Sec. 302 Certification Due Diligence Checklist |
Sec. 906 Certification Due Diligence Checklist |
Project Planning Guide including spreadsheet of Significant Accounts and Relevant Assertions |
Medieval Approach to SOX Compliance |
Supplemental Tools: |
Sarbanes-Oxley web site |
AICPA web site Index Page |
COSO Internal Control Enterprise Risk Framework Powerpoint Presentation |
Purchase the IC Integrated Framework here for $28 |
Webinar on SOX available online |
SOX Updates via “The Bulletin” |
Guide to IT Risks and Controls |
Guide to SOX IC Reporting Requirements-FAQs RE: Sec 404 |
Guide to Internal Audit FAQs RE: NYSE Requirements and Developing an Effective Internal Audit Function |
ALSTON+BIRD1 on Final Rules relating to Audit Committees (not able to hyperlink) contained in the Supplemental Tools Folder or online |
IT Governance Institute (ITGI) |
Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) |
CobiT Internal Control Framework – Primer |
CobiT Executive Summary |
Cobit Management Guidelines |
CobiT Control Objectives |
CobiT Implementation Tool Set |
The IIA Home Page on Sarbanes-Oxley |
The IIA view of Mapping COSO and CobiT |
The Internal Auditors Role in Complying with 302 and 404 |
Sarbanes-Oxley – Project Management |
Sarbanes-Oxley – The IT Dimension |
The IIA Response Letter to the First Year of Sarbox 3/31/05 |
Managing Your Sarbanes-Oxley Project and Ensuring Positive ROI |
The IIA Tookit from Richard Lanza, CPA |
NASDAQ & NYSE Rulemaking: Relating to Corporate Governance |
NASDAQ Corporate Governance Rules |
NYSE Corporate Governance Rules |
ALSTON BIRD on Final Rules relating to Codes of Conduct – Comparison of NASDAQ & NYSE Rules (not able to hyperlink) contained in the SEC Updates/Code of Conduct Folder or online |
Whistle Blower Protections – Final Rules – Federal Register Aug 24, 2004 |
US Dept of Labor – Whistleblower Program |
Whistle Blower Protections – Corporate Fraud - Fact Sheet |
Disaster Recovery Planning Tools and Examples
Index of Tools and Models |
Generally Accepted Practices for Business Continuity Practioners |
IBM Business Continuity: New risks, new imperatives and a new approach |
Disaster Plan Development Checklist |
Plan Development Model – Disaster Recovery Journal = Business Resumption Plan Development Guide |
Team Plan - Disaster Recovery Journal = Business Resumption Plan @ Department Level |
Business Contingency Plan - Vendor Resiliency Questionnaire |
Training Drills – Disaster Recovery Journal |
Vulnerabilities Analysis Chart |
Contingency Planning Guide for IT Systems from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) |
FEMA Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry Parts 1-41: |
Introduction, Risk Assessment and Plan Development |
Emergency Management Considerations |
Hazard-Specific Information |
Information Sources |
Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry |
CDC Pandemic Planning and Response Tools |
Pandemic Influenza Overview |
Business Pandemic Checklist |
Health Info Sheet |
Personal Pandemic Checklist |
Other Related Pandemic Tools |
Emergency Notification Tools |
Emergency Notification System |
Auto-Notification and Escalation Solution Evaluation Matrix |
Emergency Notification RFP Template |
Emergency Notification System by Message One |
Varolii Pandemic Planning Tools |
Workforce Continuity White Paper |
Spotlight on Pandemic |
Pandemic Kit |
Ensuring Workforce Continuity During a Pandemic |
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Index of Examples |
KS Model Contingency Planning Outline |
MIT Business Continuity Plan |
US Dep't of Labor - Wage and Hour Laws Compliance Toolkit
The Laws of Labor - ESA: |
Compliance Assistance – Laws of the Employment Standards Administration |
Handy Reference Guide to Employment Law -USDOL |
The Fair Labor Standards Act - FLSA: |
The Fair Labor Standards Act-FLSA |
Exempt Employee Regulations – Federal Register |
US Department of Labor Compliance Assistance Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) |
Fact Sheet #14 Coverage Under the FLSA-general info.htm |
Overtime Security of the 21st Century Workforce |
Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer Employees; Final Rule [04/23/2004] |
Exemption Analysis Worksheet (.xls) |
Fair Pay Model Salary Basis Policy |
Fair Pay Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) |
Exempt Executives |
Exempt Administrative Employees |
Exempt Professionals |
Exempt Computer Related Occupations |
Exempt Outside Salespeople |
FLSA Exemption Rules Tested-Case Law |
Specific Industries: |
Claims Adjusters |
Construction Industry |
Blue Collar Workers |
Financial Services Industry |
First Responders |
Journalists |
Salary Basis |
Highly Compensated |
Nurses |
Technicians |
Veterans |
Administrative – Court Ruling - Geico |
The Family and Medical Leave Act - FMLA: |
FMLA Summary - Key Provisions |
The Family and Medical Leave Act |
FMLA Regulations – CFR 29 Chapter 5 Part 825 |
Note: Most of the listings are on the POLYPROC CDs. Additional material, which contains copyright reprint protections, is accessible and downloadable via direct web address links.